The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain

This is the main body which promotes and co-ordinates Club photography in Britain. It oversees the granting of several awards such as APAGB, CPAGB, DPAGB, MPAGB. The Alliance also organises a slide championship and a print championship in which individual Federations take part.

The Alliance is divided into 15 Federations covering Great Britain. GCC is a member of the Northern Counties Photographic Federation. The NCPF (as it is usually known) holds print, slide and projected digital image competitions each year. Entries can be as part of a Club entry or as individual entries.

NCPF also holds two prestigious international exhibitions annually: one for prints and one for slides/projected digital images.

Our Club Treasurer: John Smith, is ca member of the Executive Committee. He will be pleased to answer any queries you have regarding NCPF or PAGB.