Competition Results 2019 - 20
The Trueman Trophy
The best set of three projected digital images:
1st Leo Douglas
2nd Vince Allen
3rd Glen Lawson
HC Valerie Corris
HC Ian Britton
The John Taylor Trophy
The best pair of prints typifying two of the set subjects
(Gateshead, Silhouette, Country life & Beamish)
1st Mavis Ord
2nd Mavis Ord
3rd Vince Allen
HC Bob Stokell
HC Leo Douglas
HC Glen Lawson
The Norman Thompson Salver
The best print of “People”:
1st Leo Douglas
2nd Vince Allen
3rd Glen Lawson
HC Glen Lawson X 2
HC David Hall
HC Leo Douglas
HC Paul Blades
HC Margaret Annable
The Saltwell Trophy
The best colour print:
1st Margaret Annable
2nd Valerie Corris
3rd Vince Allen
HC John Smith
HC Vince Allen
HC Valerie Corris
HC Glen Lawson
The Colour Trophy
The best colour, projected digital image:
1st John Smith
2nd Leo Douglas
3rd Vince Allen
HC David Newbegin
HC Glen Lawson
HC Ian Britton
HC Vince Allen
HC Victoria Najafi
The Ternent Trophy
One set of 3 printed images, showing 3 different types of subject:
1st David Hall
2nd Leo Douglas
3rd Vince Allen
HC Colin Hall
HC Bob Stokell
HC Margaret Annable
The Anniversary Trophy
The best pair of projected digital images typifying two of the set subjects.
High Noon, Interactive, Chill & Trio)
1st Margaret Annable
2nd Bob Stokell
3rd John Smith
HC Leo Douglas
HC Victoria Najafi
The Rose Bowl
The best monochrome print:
1st Colin Hughes
2nd David Newbegin
3rd David Newbegin
HC Colin Hall
HC Vince Allen
HC David Hall
HC Margaret Annable
HC Glen Lawson
The A4 Print Competitions
Any Subject: Landscape:
1st Joy Renwick 1st Vince Allen
2nd Vince Allen 2nd Paul Blades
3rd Bob Stokell 3rd Paul Blades
HC Margaret Annable HC Glen Lawson
Natural History: People:
1st Vince Allen 1st David Newbegin
2nd Glen Lawson 2nd David Newbegin
3rd Colin Hughes 2nd Vince Allen
HC Margaret Annable 3rd Leo Douglas
HC Joy Renwick HC Vince Allen
HC Margaret Annable
The Warden Trophy
Awarded to the member gaining the highest aggregate of points from all the colour and monochrome print competitions, who has not previously won a trophy for prints in GCC:
Winner: Joy Renwick
The Projected Digital Image Trophy
Awarded to the member gaining the highest aggregate of points from all the PDI competitions, who has not previously won a trophy for PDIs in GCC:
Winner: Victoria Najafi
The Gateshead Trophy
Awarded to the best entry from one of the season’s competitions of a picture taken within the Metropolitan area of Gateshead.
Judge: Not judged
Winner: Not awarded
The Centenary Trophy
Judge: Dave Phillips
Winner: Leo Douglas
The Les Rochester Trophy
Awarded to the “Photographer of the Year” for the person with the highest aggregate of marks from all the club competitions this season:
Winner: Vince Allen